John Lane


From our casual meeting in Bismore till his death John Lane was a good friend, seldom met but an excellent correspondent and a source of very interesting historical information. When we became acquainted he had already had his wartime memoirs published, and soon after that his account of his young life came out. Summer Will Come Again and Fairbridge Kid are both (published by the Fremantle Arts Press) available over the internet; and I put a fair amount of his story in my work on Bismore (out of print but included on this website). John became part of a surprising network I put together: Frances Deacon who lived near him in West Australia had lived in our house in 1919 and sent me her autobiography, As I Remember (on this website); Muriel Little who was born in the cottage at the foot of our wood (a year before John arrived next-door as a foster-child); Florence Taylor who was John's big foster-sister before he was sent to Australia and she to Canada; Joyce Jones or Davis who was another child fostered in the village but sent to Canada. These people were so happy to get back in touch with one another in their old age – and were all still remembered in Eastcombe in the 1990s. Not long before he died John sent me this full-length recap of his 80-odd years, asking me to attempt to publish it (and giving me permission to do what I liked with it). I am ashamed to say it has lurked unread on my computer ever since. As far as I know it was never published in Australia, so bringing it into the light of day on this website is my way of fulfilling a sort of commitment. Just the early part relates to Eastcombe, but John's love of his foster-parents and village life here is alluded to again and again – it was the only anchor he had, and he appreciated it. This 'book' contains all the material in his earlier works, but adds many more details. He had a hearty appetite for life despite all the vicissitudes, and it is a huge pleasure to read something that avoids being a 'misery memoir'. John Lane gives full due to all who helped him through life. On this particular website it may seem incongruous to include his memories after leaving Bismore but his nostalgia for that childhood permeated his whole experience of life.

Muriel Brooks